'Because Fashion Is Magic'

Saturday 23 January 2010

Why I Hate The Guardian

'Put simply, I hate fashion. I scowl at Harper's. I snarl at W. I spit at Vogue. Sometimes, I tear them up, these glossy pages full of anorexic ­children – part human, part makeup, part ­computer program – just because I'm worth it. Then I put a colander on my head.' - Tanya Gold, The Guardian

After reading the link from Tavi's post to the article 'Why I hate fashion', I was shocked.
How could someone be so disrespectful, arrogant and rude!
I know everyone has their oppinions about the fashion world, and I agree with the part from the extract above talking about anorexic people.
There is too much fake in the fashion world, we need real!

One part though, that I find slightly disturbing is this:
'I read that a 16-year-old girl wearing high-heeled shoes had fallen between the carriages of a train in West Sussex. She died, of course. It was snowing that night, but still this young woman, with a lifetime of fashion choices before her, ran along that platform and is now dead. And I couldn't help suspecting that had she been wearing a shoe designed for movement, rather than to push her breasts out and her pelvis forward, she would be alive'.

When I read that part my jaw dropped.
The way she has worded it makes out that the life lost was worth it, because it was her choice to wear high heels.
Its just disgraceful!

Later, Tanya Gold says 'I can look at the clothes on the catwalk now and laugh at their imbecility. They are not for me. I still think about that young woman on the train tracks, though. What did she pay for her shoes?'
Now that just backs up what I said a few lines up.
She obviously has no respect for those who love fashion and want to express themselves through it.

Oh yeah, I also noticed most of the comments to her article have 'been removed by moderator' which is her, as it was her article.

Read the full article here.


  1. i love this post. I find it very frustrating when people are rude and say things without considering how others may feel. I do,however, agree that there are too many skinny and touched up models out there. Let's have some curvy bodies and some real skin!!!!!

  2. that is disgraceful! the point of fashion is to express your opinion and taste- if you want to be fake,hippi, emo or a chav then you can and if not you should respect peoples decisions- i am totally with you !
    xxxjoyus (now a guardian hater)

  3. I cant believe that someone could be so stuck up about someone elses choice of what to wear...People should be able to be who they want to be without boring clones(who all follow trends precisely!) trying to stop them.........I totally agree with you!
    Be individual fashionestas!!!
    Hols x

  4. Some people rile you up just to rile you up. I get where she's coming from but this is just stupid

  5. completely understand where youre coming from.
    in my opinion, fashion rules the world.
    enough said :]
    love your blog

  6. ah yes I read that article! so stupid, allthough she says she laughs at the imbecil fashion world, she still bothered to write this article... all her thoughts seem really anrgy.. I think she does care about fashion in a way, but she is just very very frustrated with it! she probably doesnt have anuthything to wear hahaha
